Monday, April 16, 2007

What about this domain name .......

For quite some time now people have been asking, "Hey, what do you think of this domain name"?
Whether it is for a business or a personal site, or even if it is for an investment, people are always asking the same question. Well, what does your domain name say about you?

Basically, your domain name should explain your company, or your personality I guess. I dont think you would want to own a car dealership and have a goofy name with a .org extension ( that would not be the way to proceed. What you might want is something with your name in it. If it was me, I might want, or you might want your company name in the domain.
Whatever you choose, you can only hope that it available. And if it is not, the first thing you should do is find out why. Is there a site up already, and if so is there any contact information. If not, who owns the domain and are they willing to sell it?

The domain business has really taken off. People are selling domain names without web sites for hundreds of thousands of dollars (for the right name of course) But if you have the name, and then you develop a site that creates worth in todays www, then you can sell for a lot more.

What I have been looking at lately is the quality of the site, versus the quality of domain name that the site is attached to. For instance, if you owned and then you put up your own personal web page or blog, you would have to be completely crazy. Because if you owned a domain like that, short, sweet and simple, you should really look into developing the site into a well known icon on the web!

So, bottom line is, if you have a great domain name (like the one I have right now, then it would be in your best interest to promote that domain and get as much out of it as you can, unless of course you just want to keep it, like the ones that I have that I do not really want to sell, unless I get the right price of course, (,

Anyway, that is all I have for now, please let me know if you have any questions.

Have a great day!

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