Sunday, April 15, 2007

Web Design 101 - Basic ideas ......

Well, to start off I would like to say that you should know a little about how to code before you even read on, because if you do not know how to code the back end, the front end will never look right. With that said, if you dont know how to, please visit one of the first sites that ever helped me:

The first this I would like to talk about is basic design principles. Color, layout, font, background color versus text color. If you dont even have a clue on how to design, or you just dont have the eye for it and people look at your work and maybe snicker a little, then you need to see this web site:

Ok - now that we are all done with that, lets talk openly about basic design. If you look at any newspaper or most magazines, they all follow some of the basic rules. There is a main section, with a big headline, and some other headlines as well. That is layout, and this differs from designer to designer. Then you have color. You probably dont want to have a black background with dark blue text, because nobody will be able to read it. So, I like to stick with the basics, whatever the background is, then the text is almost the opposite, pretty simple I think.

If you would like any other web sites that can help you with design principles, then you should get to know my friend "google", because they really know how to help you find things on the internet these days.

Have a great day!


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