Sunday, February 22, 2009

Like a lot of people, Its TIME for a Change ....

I have decided after lots of thinking, talking with the wifey, and pondering what the outcome could be, I am selling everything!
Well, maybe not everything, but just about all of it has to go.

We will obviously keep our bed, a couple of TV's, a computer or 2, and some clothes and food, but just about everything else, has to be sold.

We are attempting to simplify our life. Its not going to be an easy task, and we are not all that concerned with how much money we will get from all the sales, but to be able to have a cleaner house would be worth it all if we can get it done by spring.

We are also thinking of moving south, really far south too, DFW, Tx. in specific. Nothing is done until we even sell the house, and get new jobs, but this is the ultimate goal eventually.

I know all this may be a shock, but it has been coming on for quite sometime, and its about time for a Change - so, we are goin' for it, now while we still can.

Thanks for reading, and come on, buy my stuff!