Wednesday, April 18, 2007

And what about those new .tv domain names?

There is a lot of speculation regarding the .tv extension lately. So much so, that people are now wondering "should I have purchased that one"? I personally do not think that everyone fully understands what this is really all about.

It might be the fact that the .tv extension is new, or it might be that the .tv extension is a little more expensive. Whatever the case, look for this domain to take off in the future. Everyone (almost everyone at least) loves to watch TV, and since technology is growing at such a fast rate, the demand has not been there yet for this new extension. Once the word gets out and it gets popularized publicly, then the real value will shine like no other .com ever has.

Of course, it could happen sooner than later too!

Right now, our current technology is not ready for what could be released in the near future. Imagine surfing the web, watching TV and controlling your entire house/apartment all with an LCD screen, you can even type on it too, so there is no need for a keyboard. Not only that, but you would be able to control everything all at once too. Imagine the market for domain names that end in .tv if that was the case, and think about it hard too, because that just might be the case someday, and someday sooner than you might even think too!

The tech market is growing so rapidly, that the domain that I own ( might be a real bargain for someone like Panasonic or Sony to purchase, once the price of HD TV's get to be so low that they have to have a site to show all the great deals that they want to push. Not only that, but when the .tv market of domain names gets so saturated they will also go up in value.

For now, I think it is one of the best names out there. There are others that are great, even some .coms are still being registered and made into worthwhile investments. But, there is only a certain amount of .tv's that are available so get them while you can. Some are not yet available, like the one I tried to register via (no that is not a typo, that is the real site!) which was (they call this a premium name) they say that it will be released in the Spring of 2007 (which it is right now) and when more information is available blah blah blah. Basically they lead you to this form, and you fill out your information only to be contacted later when they do release the name, and then I have heard that it could cost up to $500 usd or more, depending on the relavance to many factors (length, dictionary word and whatever else could make it more expensive).

Bottom line, get your .tv as soon as you can, it is a market that will become the one to be in!

If you get a chance, please visit for more great articles on the .tv industry.

Have a Great Day!

1 comment:

JamesBarclay said...

Hey Uneek,

Excellent aticle, but I am not clear about one thing - are you saying we should invest in .TV or not??

Only joking. I of course am in total agreemnt with your stance.

It is no surprise that the .TV extention has seen so much action in 2007......even though its been around for the last seven years....

The answer - technology has finally caught up with peoples TV viewing expectations, allowing the TV set and laptop to become exchangeable commodities.

I wish you much luck with your blog and of course we here at ALLTHINGS.TV are very honored to have you on board our team of regular authors

Kind regards

James Barclay