Thursday, April 19, 2007

.TV - The Domain You MUST Have!

At least that is what My buddy Mr. Rosenblatt was quoted as saying on the cover of this month's DNJournal.

“Verisign is an important eNom Founder Paul Stahura(now Demand Media President) partner and we are thrilled to be working with them on .TV. It has been a collaborative process and we are working together to really build out the best possible offering that will drive .TV adoption,” Rosenblatt said. "We plan to make .TV ubiquitous. We are going to spend a lot of money to make .TV the domain you must have!"

I have to comment on this by saying that they are hyping up the hype, and for good reason too!
The .TV domain name is going to be so big that the .com's are going to be jealous. I personally think the reason for this is mainly going to be because of the way technology is headed. Like I have mentioned in previous post, one day, you will be able to control everything with one thing, your TV, or a notebook. Look at what my buddy Mr. Rosenblatt said in closing:

In closing Rosenblatt added, “I realize that I keep coming back to the same point of focusing on the user. Don’t tell users what they have to do, or how to do it. Just give them the place, give them the tools, and give them the means to find other like-minded people to share what they know. And keep innovating and giving them new and powerful tools to make doing all that even easier!”

So, to sum up this post, without sounding like I know everything, and this is just a suggestion, go buy a .tv domain name that makes sense to you, it just might be the best thing you ever purchased!

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