Friday, April 20, 2007

Web Design Issues - For the Public ....

A post recently by "Hitch" on has really caused a stir with me personally:
A few days ago on Digg, someone posted a article about Freelancing, one of their points was,
Originally Posted by
I thought this was supposed to be coded? I’d like my money back. If you’re like me, you love the Photoshop aspect of design and can’t stand coding. I generally just create .PSDs and refer my clients to a good coder to get their project finished up, or handle the outsourcing myself and hand over the complete package. I’ve run into quite a few clients though, that never mention a word about front-end coding until it comes time for payment. As soon as the phrase “my PayPal address is ..” comes up in conversation, the words “I thought this was going to be coded” flies right back and slaps me in the face. So, after my first encounter with this situation, I’ve kept logs of all my conversations so that when someone tries to get free coding out of me, I can send them a large text file and tell them so try to find the words “coding”, “HTML” or “CSS” in it.

On the Digg comments, people were disagreeing with the Article a user wrote (Above)Some say, when they order a "Website Design", they expect the Design, and the Design coded in HTML, though, some disagree.So, what's your thoughts?Would you expect the Design to be coded in HTML or not, when asking for a "Website Design"? Adrian

So here is what I posted:

Wait a second here, this is freaking NUTS!
I have owned a web design company for over 5 years (just so you know my background) and I have NEVER heard of that.
When a client ask's me to give them a web site or a complete web solution, they never even hear the word "code"! I would never want to confuse them, unless I felt comfortable that they would be able to understand what I was talking about (and I have only had 2 clients that have been able to understand)
Regardless, I am not sure we are all talking about the same thing here.
I think that there are multiple different aspects in design/development and I will be the first to say that I am not expert in anything. Maybe a jack of all trades. Just like cars, there is nobody that knows everything, and I will give an example too just so we all know what page we are on here:
Cars:One guy makes the body, another knows the electrical, and another knows suspension and brakes, while there is another that knows the motor/transmission. Now, the guy that knows electrical does not know all that much about the internals of a motor, or even the suspension, and coversely the guy that knows about the motor probably does not know all that much about the body work or even the braking system and more than likely he is not electrical engineer.Web:I am a designer, and I am not a programmer, or a certified database expert, nor do I know all there is to know about SEO, although I know some, I am no expert. Much like the programmers of the world, I would not suggest to have any of them DESIGN your site.
To sum this all up, I think the guy that has photoshop skills, and does not know how to code, should not be selling web design to clients and then asking them to have it coded somewhere, or attempting to outsource unkowingly. I would feel a lot more comfortable if he was working for a guy like me, where I could give him direction as well as keep the client informed and happy.
Thats just my thoughts - thanks for giving me something to write about on my blog - lol

P.S. Little confused too - Originally posted by (and it looks like that is a pretty well designed site IMO) - crazy!

Anyway, this is a serious subject to me, I would never attempt to produce something for a client without knowing exactly how I was going to produce the final product.

Have a Great Day!

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