Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Looks like the .tv market is getting competitive already!

From Picasa
Certainly, I did not expect that the market would get so competitive so fast, but it looks like it is - already!

There was a post on my favorite forum,, regarding some new tools that will be available to .tv developers. The post ( basically outlines the tools and brings up the discussion of vs. Demand Media.

Basically, soem of the people that are over on NP, suggest that since has developed some tools that now Demand will probably develop their own as well as improve on whatever Kyte has already.

I am not so sure that this should be an issue. Another poster in that same thread hit the nail on the head. Thanks to rodash for bringing it up, but the main challenge will not be developing streaming media, or widening the broadband, but more than that, it will be the creation of fresh content.

It will not matter who does it first either, Demand or Kyte, what will matter however is how that particular content is relavant to your site.

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