Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Customer Service and YOU ...... my thoughts

Well, just recently I was pondering customer service issues. I went to have some lunch at one of my favorite places (Subway) and after getting my lunch I noticed on the counter that they are now selling pretzels! They have pizza, cheese, plain and a couple others as well, and I thought, wow, when did they start selling these? So, of course I asked.

Funny thing is though, in America where I live, near one of the largest cities in the WORLD, Chicago, there are a lot of people who do not speak english, and thats fine, not a big deal as America is a Great Big Melting Pot!

After asking this SIMPLE question - "Hey, When did you guys start selling Pretzels"

Not ONE person in the store understood my question!

The first thing that someone asked is if I want to buy one? I said, I just wanted to know when you started selling them. To my surprise, nobody could answer. Not only that, but nobody understood - still! Grrrrrrrrr.

I personally think that if business owners want to hire people that do not speak english, thats fine, no problem at all!

Just do NOT put them in front of end user customers, especially me!

Do you have any customer service stories you would like to share? Please, leave a comment and share it with the world :)

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